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Good times at Goodnight

The following report showcases the sights, sounds and experiences of the Goodnight Scholars Program in 2023-2024

Being a part of the Goodnight Scholars community has allowed me to grow as a young professional and as a person as well. I have learned countless invaluable lessons through this program that I will carry with me through the rest of my life!

David Moore

Hannah Morris ’25

Applied Education

Graduation Rate

322 Current
Goodnight Scholars

Letter From the Executive Director

Goodnight Scholarships Team

Sometimes, bigger is better, and 2022-2023 was certainly that! This fall we welcomed our first-ever cohort of 50 transfer scholars, which doubled the size of the previous transfer cohort, and was five times the size of the first transfer cohort in 2017! To accommodate this growth, we officially split into two programs, the Goodnight Scholars Program and Goodnight Transfer Scholars Program, under one Goodnight Scholarships office. This change meant even more opportunities for our scholars. Two All Goodnight Meetings. Two Goodnight Graduation Celebrations. A new Goodnight seminar course developed for transfer scholars. A new fall break trip focused on race, identity and STEM. And 172 events for scholars, our largest number of programs offered in a single year!

Bigger was better because of the outstanding efforts of our professional team (now 6 strong!) and the leadership of our students. 123 of our scholars served in Goodnight leadership roles, including 50 mentors, 50 ambassadors, 30 STEM coaches, and 24 retreat leaders. They brought big ideas, big efforts, and big hearts to everything they did on behalf of our community, and we’re exceptionally thankful for their leadership. 

Bigger may not always be better, but sometimes, it is. 2022-2023 was a great, big year!

Annual Report At-a-Glance